How to use your LearnSci LabSims Homepage

How to use your LearnSci LabSims Homepage

  1. Your LearnSci LabSims homepage is where instructors go to explore the resources in the library. 
  2. You will also find the instructions and the LTI details that you will need to add the individual LabSims onto your course.
  3. We update your library homepage each time we add new LabSims so you will always have access to all of the resources on this page. 

1. Log into your learning platform and navigate to the course where you have added the LTI link to your LearnSci LabSims homepage. If you haven't added your homepage yet, you'll need to set up the link to your homepage on your course first. Get in touch with our support team on if you need the LTI details for your homepage.

2. Select the link to your LearnSci LabSims homepage and it should launch in a new window.

In the top section of your homepage you will find:

3. The name of the LearnSci resource library, information about the resources, and the support email address.

4. A link to a guide with instructions for adding a LabSim to your learning platform.

5. A link called List of LTI details for all resources  - this is important and we'll come back to this in step 8.

In the following sections you will find the LabSim activities grouped by topic in alphabetical order. 

6. You may need to click on a toggle to expand the section to see all of the activities in that topic.

7. To preview a LabSim, select the activity you want to view. 

If you want to add an individual LabSim activity and don't need to track completion or award marks, go to step 8.
If you want to add multiple LabSims in one assignment, track or award marks for completion, go to step 11.

8. If you want to add an individual LabSim activity to your course, open the "List of LTI details for all resources".

9.  To add a LabSim to your course, copy its LTI URL from the Tool URL column of the table and enter it into the correct field as instructed in the LearnSci integration guide for your learning platform. You must follow the correct integration guide and only use the URL from the Tool URL column of the table - this is the only place you should copy the URL from.
You may also need to enter your Consumer Key and Secret to add the LabSim to your VLE/LMS. If you need this information it will also be on the "LTI details for all resources" page.

10. If you want to add multiple LabSims in one assignment and/or track which students complete the LabSims, you will need to request a LabSim Assessment. You will find a link to the request form on your homepage. Find out more about LabSims and LabSim Assessments.

If you need further help, please let our support team know by using the "Submit a ticket" form at the bottom of this page or contact

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