What is the difference between a LabSim and a LabSim Assessment?
If you want to add links to individual LabSims and don't need to track which students complete them then the LearnSci LabSims are all you need.
If you want to group multiple LabSims and/or Smart Worksheets together in one assignment OR track completion you will need to request a LearnSci Assessment.
LearnSci LabSim - A LearnSci LabSim is an interactive virtual lab activity. LearnSci LabSims are organised into two libraries, Chemistry and Bioscience. You can embed the individual LabSim activities onto your VLE/LMS using the standard LTI URLs found in the "LTI details for all resources" table on your LearnSci LabSims homepage. These LTI URLs never change and are shared with all instructors using the Learning Science libraries at your institution. You are free to explore the LabSims in your library anytime, embed individual LabSim activities onto your course as you need them, and can track the number of views for each activity. Note: the default interface of the individual LabSim activities in your library are not set up to produce grades.
LearnSci Assessment - A LearnSci Assessment allows you to group multiple LabSims and/or Smart Worksheets into a single assignment. They also allow you to track which students have completed each LabSim activity, as a mark is generated for each page that is completed. You will find a link to the LearnSci Assessment request form on your LearnSci LabSims homepage. We set these up for you and send you a unique LTI URL to embed onto your VLE/LMS. This tracks and records the results for your students only. You can view your student grades and results on our platform and we can also send the grades to your VLE/LMS grade centre using grade sync.
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