Smart Worksheet Collection: Getting Started Guide

Smart Worksheet Collection: Getting Started Guide

Follow these steps to make best use of your Learning Science Smart Worksheet Collection.

1. Explore the resources available on your Learning Science Smart Worksheet Collection homepage.

  1. Watch our introduction to Smart Worksheets video.
  2. Contact to licence additional Smart Worksheets from the collection.

2. Request the Smart Worksheet(s) you would like to use.

  1. Fill out the Smart Worksheet request form, available on your homepage, to get a copy of the Smart Worksheet activity for your course with your preferred options, including grade settings and number of attempts allowed.
  2. Learning Science will email you the LTI URL for your Smart Worksheet ready to embed onto your VLE/LMS.

3. Embed the Smart Worksheet(s) onto your course in your VLE/LMS.

  1. To add the activity, follow the relevant guide for your VLE/LMS making sure to follow the "grade-synced" guide if you selected the grade sync option on the request form.
  2. Read more about grade-synchronisation to find out if this is the best option for you.
  1. If the resource does not open as expected please check our general troubleshooting guide, technical help articles or contact our support team.
  2. If you are setting up the resource with grade synchronisation, after adding the activity make sure you can see a new column for the activity in your gradebook.

5. Introduce the Smart Worksheet activities to your students.

  1. We recommended assigning the "Introduction for Students" Smart Worksheet activity which will introduce your students to the key features of Smart Worksheets and show them how to get the most out of them - get a copy of this activity by requesting it on Smart Worksheet Collection homepage or contact our support team.

6. Find out how your students got on.

  1. Read more about tracking student engagement and viewing their results.
  2. Ask students for feedback and let us know how we can make our resources even better.

If you need further help, please let our support team know by using the "Submit a ticket" form at the bottom of this page or contact

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