LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Blackboard. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Blackboard as web links in just a few steps.
This guide will show you how to add a Grade Synced LearnSci LabSim Assessment or Smart Worksheet to your course page on Blackboard.
How to add a Grade Synced LabSim or Smart Worksheet
1. Start by going to the course page where you wish to add the Grade Synced LabSim (or Smart Worksheet)
2. Turn Edit Mode on
3. From the Build Content tab, select Web Link
4. Give it a name and enter the LTI URL for the Grade Synced LabSim (or Smart Worksheet) you're adding
5. Tick the box "This link is to a Tool Provider". This brings up a new set of options depending on how Learning Science has been configured by your Blackboard administrator
6. If you see a Key, a Secret, and a Custom Parameters field, enter the key and secret we provided you into their respective fields and leave the Custom Parameters field blank. If these fields aren't present, move on to the next step
7. Set Enable Evaluation to Yes and enter the number of Points Possible. Selecting Yes to Enable Evaluation ensures that a column is created in your grade centre for the LabSim (or Smart Worksheet), which is automatically populated with students' grades as they complete the LabSim or Smart Worksheet
8. Choose whether you'd like to make it Visible to Students and set a Due Date
9. If you wish, you can also add a description and attachments for your students. This is optional
10. Select Yes to Open in New Window
11. Set the rest of the options under Standard Options according to your requirements
12. Submit
13. From your course page, find and select the LabSim (or Smart Worksheet) you just added to check that it works