Blackboard: How to add LearnSci LabSims or Smart Worksheets (LTI 1.3)

Blackboard: How to add LearnSci LabSims or Smart Worksheets (LTI 1.3)

The LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Blackboard platform. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Blackboard using our tool in just a few steps.

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Before you start:
  1. The LearnSci LTI 1.3 tool must have been preconfigured by a Blackboard administrator - if you can’t find it using these instructions, please contact us and we’ll advise further.
  2. If you would like the student grades for the LearnSci LabSim or Smart Worksheet to appear in a new column in your Blackboard gradebook you need to request this by contacting We will provide you with a custom assessment for this which you will then be able to add to your course(s) using the guidance below.
  3. Pre-existing resources added using our old tool will still work for a limited time for your reference, but it’s important that you re-add anything you wish to use during your current academic year using this new tool

1. Navigate to the Blackboard course where you want to add your LearnSci LabSim or Smart Worksheet.

2. In Blackboard Ultra courses:
  1. Click the + icon and select the Content Market.
  1. Click the LearnSci tool

Or, in Blackboard Original you can add content in a course using the Build Content menu.

3. The first time you launch the new LearnSci tool, you’ll need to accept the Privacy Policy.

4. Next, select the content you wish to add to your course. Use the filter in the top right of the window to navigate between the different content areas that are available to you.

If you are adding assessments you can also choose whether to add these to your own gradebook here as well.

5. Once you’ve selected all of the resources to add, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the add content button.

You may need to then close the window and refresh the course page to see your newly added content.

You can then test the resources. Note that students only see the resource full size and do not see the extra navigation bar and menu options on the LearnSci platform.

Important: It is a good idea to set Smart Worksheet activities or assessments to open in a new window, since they may not display properly when embedded, particularly for users using devices with smaller screens.