This guide will show you how to add a Grade Synced LabSim Assessment or Smart Worksheet to your course page on Blackboard Ultra. For additional help and support, email

Before you start
You will need the grade sync LTI URL for your LearnSci LabSim Assessment or Smart Worksheet.
- LTI URLs for your LabSim Assessments and Smart Worksheets are provided to you by Learning Science.
- Check with Learning Science that the LTI URL you are adding has grade sync enabled.
How to add a LearnSci LabSim or Smart Worksheet
1. Start by going to the course page where you want to add the grade synced LabSim Assessment or Smart Worksheet
2. Select the plus sign “+” where you want to add content
3. Select “Create” from the content menu
4. Select “Teaching tools with LTI connection”
5. Enter a name for your new LTI link
6. Select whether you would like the activity "Hidden from students" or "Visible to students"
7. Carefully copy and paste the LTI URL for your LabSim Assessment or Smart Worksheet into the "Configuration URL" field
8. If requested, enter your "Key" and "Security Token" (Secret)
9. Tick the box for “Open in a New Window”
10. Tick the box for "Create gradebook entry for this item"
11. Set the “Due date”, “Grade using” (and “Maximum points” if required) to your preferences
12. Select your preferred "Category"
13. Add a description (optional)
14. Select “Save”
15. From your course page, open the new link to check that it is working as expected
16. Open your Blackboard gradebook to check the new gradebook item has been created successfully