LabSim FAQ
Where do I see the student results for a LabSim Assessment?
You can see the student results for a LabSim Assessment in two ways: 1. The grades page on the LearnSci platform As an instructor, when you click on a LearnSci LabSim assessment you can access the grades page by selecting Attempts. On the grades page ...
Are there resources to introduce LearnSci LabSims to students?
If you are using LearnSci LabSims on your course, we recommend providing access to one of our introductory videos to ensure students get the most out of the activities. Bioscience LabSim Explanatory Video for Students Chemistry LabSim Explanatory ...
What is the difference between a LabSim and a LabSim Assessment?
If you want to add links to individual LabSims and don't need to track which students complete them then the LearnSci LabSims are all you need. If you want to group multiple LabSims and/or Smart Worksheets together in one assignment OR track ...