If your Learning Science resource doesn't open as expected, the issue is usually caused by the way the activity was set up on your VLE/LMS or if an unsupported browser is being used.
Our support team are always here to help if you need us but it is worth checking the issue is not due to one of the following:
1. Did you follow the correct instruction guide for your VLE/LMS?
Learning Science resources are added to your VLE/LMS using LTI links. You must embed the LTI URL for each Learning Science resource following the guide for your VLE/LMS. To learn more, check out our
Getting Started guide or go to our
VLE/LMS integration section for detailed instructions on how to add Learning Science resources on your VLE/LMS.
2. Have you embedded the Learning Science resource using the correct activity type on your VLE/LMS?
You cannot open the LTI URL for the Learning Science activity directly like a normal weblink. Depending on the VLE/LMS you are using, you will need to use one of the following activity types to add the LTI URLs for your Learning Science resources.
| Activity Type
| [Tool Provider] Weblinks
Blackboard Ultra
| Teaching Tools with LTI connection
Brightspace (D2L)
| External Learning Tools (LTI Links)
| External Tool Items
| External Tool Activities
3. Have you used the correct LTI URL for the Learning Science activity?
Make sure you are using the correct LTI URL. For your LearnSci LabSims, these can be found on your library homepage by clicking on “LTI Details for all resources”. Carefully copy and paste the URL provided in the table.
If you are adding a LabSim Assessment or Smart Worksheet activity, the LTI URL would have been provided to you by email.
Your LTI URLs look exactly like the one below but with a unique ID number (XXXXX) at the end. If your link is not exactly like this you are using the wrong type of URL and this will cause access issues for staff and students. Also, make sure you check the LTI URL after you have copied and pasted it.
https:// resources.learnsci.co.uk/enrol/lti/tool.php?id=XXXXX
4. Have you accidentally introduced any extra spaces or characters when copying and pasting the LTI URL?
When you copy the LTI URL, make sure there has not been any additional spaces, tabs or extra characters added. Also check that the LTI URL has not been altered in any way in the process of copying and pasting it.
5. Have you checked that you selected the open in a new window option to launch the activity?
Learning Science activities must be launched in a new tab or window. This ensures optimal use of available accessibility tools and avoids third party cookies potentially blocking the activity launching. The exact setting for this is different depending on your VLE/LMS, please refer to our
VLE/LMS integration guides.
6. Are you using a supported browser?
To ensure you get best experience with the Learning Science LabSims and Smart Worksheets please use a tablet, laptop or desktop and an up-to-date supported browser. Find out more about our
system and browser requirements. We cannot guarantee that the Learning Science resources will work reliably on unsupported browsers or older versions of the supported browsers.

If you need further help, please let our support team know by using the "Submit a ticket" form at the bottom of this page or contact