In some cases Dynamic Registration of the tool is unsuccessful due to network restrictions stripping out parts of the registration URL. In this situation, a manual configuration may resolve any issues. To set this up:
1. As an admin user, go to "Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > External tool > Manage tools"
2. Click "Configure a tool manually"
3. Change the field "LTI version" to "LTI 1.3"
4. Change "Public key type" to "Keyset URL"
5. Enable "Supports Deep Linking (Content-Item Message)"
6. Set “Default Launch Container” to “new window”
7. (recommended) Set “Tool configuration usage” to “show in activity chooser and as a preconfigured tool)
8. Add the following details:
Tool Name: LearnSci LTI 1.3
Tool Description: LabSims & Smart Worksheets
Initiate login URL: To be provided by LearnSci
Redirection URI(s): (add both links on separate lines)
9. Save the configuration.
10. On the resulting tool card, click "View configuration details" and return these details to LearnSci:
- Platform ID
- Client ID
- Deployment ID
- Public keyset URL
- Access token URL
- Authentication request URL
LearnSci will then complete the configuration and let you know when you should be able to test the new tool.