Log in page opens when clicking on a Learning Science Resource
You do not need to log in to Learning Science to use your resources on your VLE/LMS. If you are taken to a page requesting a username and password when clicking on a Learning Science resource, this could be due to the following issues.
Issue 1: The activity is not set to launch in a new window and so your web browser is blocking third party cookies required to load the activity successfully.
Fix: Change the settings on the Learning Science activity so that the resource opens in a new window. The exact setting for this is different depending on your VLE/LMS, please refer to our
VLE/LMS integration guides.
Issue 2: The Learning Science resource has been embedded using an incorrect LTI URL.
Fix: Please check the LTI URL you have added for this activity, it should look exactly like the one below where xxxxx will be the unique number for your activity. If you are adding a LabSim, you will find a table of LTI URLs on your homepage. If you are adding a Smart Worksheet or LabSim Assessment, your LTI URL will have been emailed to you.
Example of a correct LTI URL: https:// resources.learnsci.co.uk/enrol/lti/tool.php?id=xxxxx
If you need further help, please let our support team know by using the "Submit a ticket" form at the bottom of this page or contact
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