Moodle: How to add links to LearnSci resources inside your own teaching material

Moodle: How to add links to LearnSci resources inside your own teaching material

Stealth mode in Moodle allows activities or resources to be hidden on the course page but still accessible to students. The feature means, for example, that you can add a link to an activity within a Moodle Page or Book but not display it on the course page. This is useful where you want to embed LearnSci resources inline with your other learning materials without sending students to another page. 

Stealth Mode must be made available by a Moodle administrator at your institution if it does not appear in your activity settings. 

You can find full instructions on how to set up stealth activities, using the official Moodle help page.

Once set up, all you need to do is right click on the stealth activities and copy the URL. You can then use this to build links inside your page resources or anywhere else you can enter text and links.

If you need assistance with this, please contact