Moodle: How to configure the Learning Science LTI tool (Admin)
These instructions are intended for the Moodle administrator at your institution.
The LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Moodle platform. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Moodle as External Tool activities in just a few steps.
Before you start
- You will need your institutional Consumer Key and Secret.
- You will need an LTI URL for a LearnSci resource to test.
1. Navigate to Site administration > Plugins > Activity modules > External tool > Manage tools
2. Select "Configure a tool manually".
3. Complete the required fields.
There may be additional fields but you only need to complete the ones below.
Tool Name
Learning Science Resources
Tool URL
Use the Tool URL provided
Tool description
LearnSci LabSims and Smart Worksheets
Consumer key
Your institutional Consumer key
Your institutional Secret
Tool configuration usage
Do not show; use only when a matching tool URL is entered
Default launch container
New window
4. Select "Show moreā¦".
Share launcher's name with tool
Share launcher's email with tool
Accept grades from the tool
Delegate to teacher
5. Select "Save changes".
Check the Learning Science LTI tool has been configured correctly and is working as expected. To test, please follow
this guide to add the LTI URL for the LearnSci resource we have provided.