Brightspace: How to add Learning Science as a new LTI provider (Admin)

Brightspace: How to add Learning Science as a new LTI provider (Admin)

These instructions are intended for the Brightspace administrator at your institution.

The LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Brightspace platform. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Brightspace as External Tool activities in just a few steps. 

For help and support email or call on +44 (0)117 325 8954

Before you start
  1. You will need your institutional Consumer Key and Secret.
  2. You will need an LTI URL for a LearnSci resource to test.

Option 1: Add new LTI provider at partner level
We recommend adding Learning Science as a new LTI provider at partner level as this will enable the Learning Science resources for all staff. Alternatively, you can add Learning Science as an LTI provider on individual org units (Option 2).

1. Log in to Brightspace as an administrator. 

2. Go to Partner Admin > External Learning Tools > Manage Tool Providers > New Tool Provider. 

3. Complete the following information on the "New Tool Provider" page:

Launch point


Insert your institutional secret

Use custom tool consumer information instead of default



Insert your institutional key


Learning Science Resources

Contact email

Allow users to use this tool provider


4. Make sure all of the security options are selected.

5. In the provider availability section, ensure each of your org units has access to the Learning Science Resources LTI.

6. Select "Save and Close" to finish.

Option 2: Add new LTI provider to an org unit(s)
An org unit in Brightspace is the standard building block and can represent a department, semester, course, module etc… Each org unit has an org unit code used to identify it.

1. Log into Brightspace.

2. Go to Module tools > Admin > External Learning Tools > Manage Tool Providers > New Tool Provider. 

3. Complete the following information on the "New Tool Provider" page:

Launch point


Insert your institutional secret

Use custom tool consumer information instead of default



Insert your institutional key


Learning Science Resources

Contact email

Allow users to use this tool provider



4. Make sure all of the security options are selected.


5. In the provider availability section, ensure each of your org units has access to the Learning Science Resources LTI.

6. Select Save and Close” to finish.

Check the Learning Science LTI tool has been configured correctly and is working as expected. To test, please follow this guide to add the LTI URL for the LearnSci resource we have provided.