Canvas: How to embed a LearnSci resource in a graded Canvas assignment (LTI 1.3)

Canvas: How to embed a LearnSci resource in a graded Canvas assignment (LTI 1.3)

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Before you start
  1. The LearnSci LTI 1.3 tool must have been preconfigured by a Canvas administrator - if you can’t find it using these instructions, please contact us and we’ll advise further.
  2. If you want to keep your student’s grades separate from other classes, you need to request your own instance by contacting We will provide you with a custom assessment for this which you will then be able to add to your course(s) using the guidance below.
  3. Pre-existing resources added using our old tool will still work for a limited time for your reference, but it’s important that you re-add anything you wish to use using this new tool.

The LearnSci LTI 1.3 Tool can not only be used to add standalone activities within your courses, but it can also be used inside Canvas assignments to add a graded LearnSci activity that can push results into your Canvas gradebook if required.

Adding a LearnSci resource in a Canvas Assignment

1. Add a Canvas assignment to your course, click on it to open it and then choose edit

2. Scroll down and in the Submission type dropdown menu, select External tool

3. Next click find to locate the LearnSci Tool.

4. Click on the link to the LearnSci Tool to open it

5. Now select one graded LearnSci resource from the content selection window. Only resources that have a checkbox available in the add to gradebook column are able to generate a grade, so ensure you select one of these and also tick both boxes. Note that you can only add one resource per Canvas assignment.

6. Scroll to the bottom of the content selection window and click add content, then in Canvas click select

7. It is best to set Load this tool in a new tab, so that the LearnSci resources fit easily on the screen when viewed by students.

8. You can now set other assignment options in Canvas as needed, such as the points available and the number of attempts allowed.

9. Grades from the LearnSci assessments will be pushed through to your Canvas gradebook when students complete the assignment and submit it.