These instructions are intended for the Brightspace administrator at your institution.
The LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Brightspace platform. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Brightspace as LTI 1.3 External Tool activities.
Before you start you will need an OpenID Connect Login URL (provided by LearnSci)
Step 1: Register the LTI tool in your Brightspace LMS
1. Log in to Brightspace as an administrator.
2. Select Admin Tools > Manage Extensibility > LTI Advantage.
3. Select Register Tool and Standard.
4. Fill in the following information:
- Name: LearnSci Tools
- Description: LabSims & Smart Worksheets
- Domain:
- Redirect URL (use both URLs, added on separate lines):
Step 3. Add a new deployment
1. Click view deployments at the bottom of the tool config page, then new deployment.
2. Select the LearnSci Tool in the Tool drop down
3. Fill in the following information:
- Name: LearnSci Tools
- Description: LabSims & Smart Worksheets
- Security Settings:
- User Information - all fields ticked
- Configuration settings:
- Open as External Resource: recommended - LearnSci resources are more accessible when viewed in a new window.
- Grades created by LTI will be included in Final Grade: recommended - where LearnSci resources will be used for assessment.
- Auto Create Grade Items: disable - users will have the option to choose whether graded items are added to their gradebook at the point of adding them.
- Make Tool Available To: [Your choice, but must be available to the courses you intend to launch it from or a parent org unit]
4. The LearnSci tool can be made available to add content both via existing tools when inside a course, but also using a text editor button anywhere a teacher can edit text. To add these placements, at the bottom of the page click view links, then new link, and use these settings:
- Name: LearnSci Tools
- URL:
- Description: LabSims & Smart Worksheets
- Type: Deep Linking Quicklink
5. Click save and close, then repeat step 4, with all the same settings, just changing the Type to Deep Linking Insert Stuff, so you will have two separate links set up. Save and close.