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Moodle: How to add a LearnSci LabSim or Smart Worksheet
The LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Moodle platform. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Moodle as external tool activities in just a few steps. Please also follow this guide if ...
Moodle: How to add a Grade Synced LearnSci LabSim or Smart Worksheet
The LearnSci resources fully integrate with your Moodle platform. All of your resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to Moodle as External Tool activities in just a few steps. For help and support ...
What is my Consumer Key?
The LTI Consumer Key (and Shared Secret) authorise and authenticate your Learning Science resources (LTI tool links) on your VLE/LMS. You will have been assigned a Consumer Key for your department, school or institution. Depending on your VLE/LMS, ...
VLE/LMS Integration: Getting Started Guide
Your LearnSci LabSims and Smart Worksheets fully integrate with your virtual learning environment (VLE) / Learning Management System (LMS). All of the resources are hosted, maintained and updated by Learning Science and are added to your VLE/LMS as ...
LearnSci LabSims: Getting Started Guide
Follow these steps to use your LearnSci LabSims effectively and get your students ready for the lab. 1. Explore the resources available on your LearnSci LabSims homepage(s). Learn how to add your Learning Science LabSim Homepage(s) to you VLE/LMS. ...